Sunday, January 29, 2017

Floreio Workout Number 5

Floreio Workout Number 5

We are growing each minute in size, momentum and strength. The Floreio Project has become an international phenomenon with hundreds of people participating, emailing and training.(hopefully...)

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Negativa de Angola Push Ups

The NDA is a very traditional movement, hundreds of years old, that originated in traditional Capoeira practice and nowdays in Capoeira Angola mainly.
This movement imposes great demand, in its various forms of practice, and used for endurance/strength development in a lateral position - non traditional position.
I will go over the benefits of organic, multi angle, non traditional training over the traditional stuff, but for now - just try the advanced variation if you want to feel the high demand of this movement on your body.

Technique: from a squat position, place one hand behind your heel and the other hand in front of the toes of the same foot. While you do that, straighten the opposite leg completely, and start lowering towards the temple of your head. The only thing that should touch the floor is the outer edge (knife) side of your close foot, the other foot, your hands and the temple of your head-lightly. The elbow of the hand behind your back will not be placed under your body like in QDR, but instead, your body will be lower than your elbow - in a position called Vasamento - lower than QDR!

The beginner variation is the one using both arms to assist in this motion.

The advanced variation is using only one arm.

Take notice, nothing should touch the floor but the things I have mentioned above. This requires some mobility around the squat position, in the hip rotators and more. This movement can be difficult at first for some people, and some getting used to is in order.

Role Into QDR Sequence

This is a sequence of two movements - the Role and the QDR in its various variations.
Start in a squat. Go into a Role, and from the middle position (head between your legs) start to lower towards the QDR on the second hand. While doing so, extend the outer leg into the position. From there after a slight pause, bend the closer leg to the floor, preparing to exit into squat, and join the other leg right away, into the position.

The advanced variation includes a QDR Rotational Push Ups at the end of the Role, and a slide back into the squat, following the same principles.

Notice the quality of movement, the fluidity and control. These things are what makes this practice unique. Quality is central here. Its better to shoot for an easier variation, but perform it with control, quality and fluidity, than to do a harder one but not controled, ugly and rigid.

Floreio Workout Number 5 - Beginner

A1. 5 min rope jump
A2. Wrist routine X 1 set
A3. Idos Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set

Rest 2 min

B1. Rotations Into Low Bridge or if you can already Rotations into High Bridge X 10 reps
(Or the Slide Into Low Bridge and Rotations Into Arch Using The Wall combination for the same number of reps)
B2. Gatherings Beginner Variations X 10 reps

Complete 3 sets of B1-B2 resting 30 seconds in squatting position in between exercises

Rest 2 min

C1. Half Au Cortado X 14 reps or Au Cortado X 10 reps
C2. Role Into QDR sequence X 10 reps

Complete 3 sets of C1-C2 resting 30 seconds while standing in between exercises

Rest 2 min

D1. NDA Lateral Push Ups side to side X 20/18/16 reps
Rest 60 seconds between sets

Floreio Workout Number 5 - Intermidiate

A1. 5 min rope jump
A2. Wrist routine X 1 set
A3. Idos Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set

Rest 2 min

B1.Rotations into High Bridge X 10 reps
B2. Gatherings Intermidiate Variations X 10 reps

Complete 3 sets of B1-B2 resting 30 seconds in squatting position in between exercises

Rest 2 min

C1. Au Cortado X 10 reps
C2. Role Into QDR sequence X 10 reps

Complete 3 sets of C1-C2 resting 30 seconds while squating in between exercises

Rest 2 min

D1. NDA Lateral Push Ups side to side X 20 reps
Perform 3 sets resting 45 seconds between sets

Floreio Workout Number 5 - Advanced

A1. 5 min rope jump
A2. Wrist routine X 1 set
A3. Idos Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set

Rest 2 min

B1. Rotations Into High Bridge Advanced X 10 reps
B2. Gatherings Advanced X 6 reps

Complete 3 sets of B1-B2 resting 45 seconds in between exercises

Rest 1 min

C1. Au Cortado Presses X 6 reps as slow as possible
C2. Role Into QDR Rotational Push Ups X 10 reps

Complete 3 sets of C1-C2 resting 90 sec only after C2

Rest 2 min

D1. NDA Lateral One Arm Push Ups side to side X 10/8/6/4/2 reps
Rest 60/45/30/15 seconds between sets

Enjoy the sweat. Post your observations and comments on the forum.

Looking forward to hearing some feedback,

Available link for download