Monday, January 30, 2017

Finding new floreio

Finding new floreio

Floreio is an art within an art. It is a recent invention, its roots are in traditional capoeira and it was heavily influenced by Angola practitioners and other modern capoeiristas.
Nowdays, without a doubt Grupo Cordao de Ouro is one of the leading forces in floreio work. Floreio can be practiced from within the game, or as a seperate entity used for conditioning, fun and artistic expression.
From a conditioning POV, floreio is superior because of its varied, unpredicted nature and the whole body demands on the muscles. (besides pulling muscles that are rarely involved)
When I create a small sequence of movement, I always refer to it as finding out floreio, as opposed to creating one. There is nothing new under the sun.
Check it out: (from israel, haifa beach before my trip to the US)

Available link for download