Saturday, January 28, 2017

Facebook new chat looks shows mobile and web users seems it is marred with errors

Facebook new chat looks shows mobile and web users seems it is marred with errors

Change has remained the only constant thing in life according to the law of Parmenides. From time to time companies, individuals make changes to their products or websites for the purpose of improvement and making it appear better. Today, a look at the Facebook web page version on PC, the changes are conspicuous on the chat section of their page located at the right hand side.

You can read how to send message on Facebook with mobile to someone you have not added as friend.

You can now see boldly written ‘’MOBILE’’ or ‘’WEB’’ by the right hand side of each of your Facebook friend that is online which is supposed to be indicative of the device your friends are making use of at that moment they are online. Then coming down to the chat window when you initiate a chat with your friends, you will also notice the changes in the appearance there. This time around, the written chat replies between both parties are enclosed separately in a call out box with different colours, making it easier to identify and differentiate who is sending and who is replying.

Facebook new chat looks shows mobile and web users, seems it is marred with errors

You may also want to read Facebook view previous comments bug fixed

But the whole new Facebook chat features seems to be in a beta stage, because by clear observation, one cannot still differentiate out rightly from those using mobile device and PC web version by mere looking at or seeing the boldly written ‘’WEB’’ or ‘’MOBILE’’ beside each online friend. I noticed that some using mobile devices to chat, has WEB written by their side, making it confusing and more difficult to know which device category the person is using by just looking at the WEB or MOBILE written by the side. And now it is only when you start chatting with your friend that you will get know the category of device he/she is using; that is when you start seen words like ‘’ sent from mobile’’

So for me, I thing Facebook is still working on it, because if not so, for that single reason of not being able to clearly state whether it is mobile or PC your friends are using even after seeing the ‘’WEB’’ or ‘’MOBILE’’ written beside each of them when they are online has flawed the whole idea. Until it is set right the Facebook new chat look appear deceptive by that.

If you have noticed it too and want to leave a comment or say something further or for more clarification, please you can use the comment box below.

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