Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Farewell Bear Facts Wokingham

Farewell Bear Facts Wokingham

More on Wokingham here.

- Arthurs irresistible helpfulness meeting Wendys immoveable resistance to being helped is one of my favourite Arthur scenes. Partly because Arthur affects and furthers the plot for reasons other than clottishness. Partly because I love the friendliness that develops between them once Wendy realises shes met her match. And partly… because I got to perform a two-handed scene with Prunella Scales!

- There is a good reason why the pronunciation of Caitlins name changes between Limerick and Wokingham. Its not the after-the-fact one I came up with in the blog post above, although that one will do in the characters world.  Unfortunately for you… I cannot tell you what the real reason is. I know, maddening of me. But true.

- Nice, amongst all the character development and series arc-i-ness going on these days, to have a nice old-fashioned C.P. subplot about trying to win a silly game. And nice that its Douglas and Carolyn doing it for a change, rather than Douglas and Martin.

Deleted scene. This is an interesting one, because rather than being cut for reasons as time, as usual, I requested Producer David to cut it, because I felt it was a mistake on my part. Here it is:

CAROLYN                   Oh, not at all. I know what it’s like… well, you’ve met Ruth. She still makes me feel like a five year old.

ARTHUR                     I’m glad I don’t have an older brother. Although, also, now I think about it, an older brother would have been great.

MARTIN                       Mm. Although… actually, as it happens… Simon’s my younger brother.

DOUGLAS                  What?

CAROLYN                   He’s not, is he?

MARTIN                       Only by a year! And he’s always acted like he’s older! And he’s so much bigger than me! And he’s got that moustache!

So, that works perfectly well as a sitcommy joke; and its certainly true that there are siblings where the younger acts as if they were the older and/or vice-versa. But, ultimately, in this case, I didnt and dont think it was truthful. Simons behaviour - which, as Ive said before, I was keen to make irritating but not horrible - is so much influenced, in my mind, by the fact that hes an older brother who cant recognise that he and his siblings are all equal adults now; and so treats Martin as if he was still a kid, that to remove the root of that just for the sake of a capper at the end of the episode felt cheap. So, to be clear, the order of the Crieff siblings is: Simon, Martin, Caitlin. (Martin is such a middle child…)

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