Monday, February 13, 2017
Fetching Cat
Fetching Cat
We celebrated part of Christmas early this year, Sunday, January 14th, at Ann and Dales. A good time was had by all as usual and Jesus didnt mind a bit this date for his birthday. The night before we went to Granddaughter Megan and hubby Bob at their house in Lake Mills, WI. They have a cat they have named Swirl; it has a beautiful swirling gray coat. Swirl is quite fetching; literally quite fetching. You zing a scrunchie (pony tail holder) across the floor with Swirl watching and Swirl flies across the room a grabs, and may return it to you. This was demonstrated by Bob. It was most impressive.

When we returned home I when out to the Shackteau to be greeted happily by our ignored cats. After a good deal of petting and greeting and hugs I picked up a cloth mouse (no scrunchies were available, and tossed in across the room. Lamont made his exceeding speedy run the length of the Shackteau and grabbed the mouse, deftly tossed in the hair, grabbed it with another paw and tossed it again, and bopped it around with great vigor.
I then said, Lamont, bring it back to me so I can toss it to you again.
Lamont stopped looked at me a bit haughtily and said, Meugh, why on earth would I do that? Ive got the toy right here to play with. If you want me to run again, you come and get it and throw it again. Sheesh! You furless servants forget your place every now and then.
Im not sure what to make of this. Swirl is obviously the better retriever and also likes to hide the scrunchies under their rug. Lamont hides everything in places I have no clue about.
Now I could try to train Lamont, or Patchtricia or Pawline to retrieve as described here bit but Im not sure of my success.

I think I found a cousin of Swirl

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