Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Floppy Bird 3D 2 0 APK

Floppy Bird 3D 2 0 APK

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film Thakur Diler Singh 1969

film Thakur Diler Singh 1969

Image result for film (Thakur Diler Singh)(1969)
Image result for film (Thakur Diler Singh)(1969)
Image result for film (Thakur Diler Singh)(1969)
Image result for film (Thakur Diler Singh)(1969)Available link for download

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Fall 2007 Library GIS Workshops

Fall 2007 Library GIS Workshops

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Facebook v107 0 0 0 295 Android APK

Facebook v107 0 0 0 295 Android APK

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Feng Shui in a Family Room

Feng Shui in a Family Room

So this fall a really interesting client emailed requesting an online consult. K and her family have just recently moved into a new house, and are working toward creating a harmonious home incorporating Feng Shui.

I was at once intrigued. I have a very loose knowledge of the Feng Shui principles, having applied certain bits to my own home. Even if you do not specifically subscribe to the belief that our homes have energy passing through them, and we can funnel that energy in ways that are beneficial to us, I think that anyone who is consciously working to create harmony and order in their home to better their life is probably applying this same effort in other areas of their life, and this will likely bring them some great results. There are also some facets of Feng Shui that simply reflect good design principles, such as incorporating mirrors to bounce light (or energy :) around, eliminating clutter and restricting your colour palette. There is also the familiarity factor: it may bring a certain sense of peace to a person knowing that specific areas of your home are always going to contain certain colours, for example.

The first room K wanted to work on was her family room. A traditional modern family two-story, the family room is open to the kitchen/eating area.

Here are some of the before shots:

Beautiful wood floors that complement the cabinetry tones, a lovely fireplace with built-ins, a breakfast nook and plenty of natural light and space - this home has great bones to work with!

K wanted to work with blues or greys, to bring the best fang shui for the particular positioning and placement in the home found here. I agreed that cool-toned walls would work, as her space receives warm southern light and has all that lovely warm wood for balance. Blue pairs effortlessly with orange-toned woods because they are complements on the colour wheel, and blue brings out the richness of the wood. K has bold colours present throughout her home, and wanted this space to have some character.

After working out that K quite liked modern furnishings, we needed to find a way to mesh those styles with her home, which is much more traditional. She had already ordered a white leather sofa. The first thing to work on was the floor plan. By placing the sofa against the wall we opened up the room, creating a better flow (for Feng Shui and design purposes!) I suggested K purchase two chairs to face the sofa, thereby adding comfortable seating without blocking the doorway off. A low bench positioned where the sofa had previously sat provides additional seating for larger gatherings but still allows the two areas to be connected.

Since we are planning to move onto the living and dining areas next, I suggested adding a warm orange in small accents to give us another colour to pull out in the adjoining rooms. The wall colour you see here is Benjamin Moore 1626, Gentle Gray.

DESIGN TIP: When working with pale blues, you really want a grey with a blue undertone, rather than a true pale blue, or your room will look like a baby boys nursery :)

Chunky chairs in the same espresso finish as Ks table and chairs help the two spaces to relate to one another, and of course we need a round coffee table - this is a major Feng shui principle - avoid corners whenever possible, they are thought to create disruptive energy within your home. a selection of carpets allows K to choose exactly how energetic she would like this space to feel, and of corse, the art references the Feng Shui water element we are channeling here.

K responded that she wanted to replace her dining set with something lighter and more modern, and that she was wary of making such large commitment to blue with the leather chairs. She sent a link to the dining set she was considering, and asked me to create a board incorporating that and the large floral carpet. These chairs work with the wood tones present, and the modern abstract back picks up on the legs of her new dining chairs. Having just the seat upholstered blue allows for that hit of colour without the commitment - it would be easy to swap out this fabric down the road.

After receiving that board, K mentioned wanting a more neutral option to show here husband, who wasnt sure about the blue. She had used Benjamin Moore OC-52 Gray Owl in another room in her home which faced north, and had thought it was a bit too cold for the family room. I assured her that in the warm southern light at the back of her home Gray Owl would appear more neutral, and suggested she try a swatch out. 

I sent her another board illustrating this neutral palette option. Im in love with that carpet. LOVE.

At this point we were nearing the beginning of holiday season. K wrote that she loved both options, but that she was leaning toward the more neutral version. After New Years I got an email that made me smile :) K and her husband tried the Grey Owl on the wall, and found it did nothing for them, but the bluer option, Gentle Gray, looked wonderful! They decided to go ahead with the second blue design option, and were very happy with the progress so far. Im hoping for some pics of the finished space to share with you...

and that, darlings, was my first official Feng Shui Design Consultation! Something of an adventure, and I learned a lot along the way... as side note, I may try to tackle how to bring some basic Feng Shui principles into your home in some future posts - would you ladies like to explore with me? Im thinking a little cleaning a re-organizing cant hurt anyone.... my house could definitely use some love! x

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2016 Telugu Dubbed Watch Online Free

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2016 Telugu Dubbed Watch Online Free



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Finding GIS Mapping Positions in Libraries

Finding GIS Mapping Positions in Libraries

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Farewell Bear Facts Wokingham

Farewell Bear Facts Wokingham

More on Wokingham here.

- Arthurs irresistible helpfulness meeting Wendys immoveable resistance to being helped is one of my favourite Arthur scenes. Partly because Arthur affects and furthers the plot for reasons other than clottishness. Partly because I love the friendliness that develops between them once Wendy realises shes met her match. And partly… because I got to perform a two-handed scene with Prunella Scales!

- There is a good reason why the pronunciation of Caitlins name changes between Limerick and Wokingham. Its not the after-the-fact one I came up with in the blog post above, although that one will do in the characters world.  Unfortunately for you… I cannot tell you what the real reason is. I know, maddening of me. But true.

- Nice, amongst all the character development and series arc-i-ness going on these days, to have a nice old-fashioned C.P. subplot about trying to win a silly game. And nice that its Douglas and Carolyn doing it for a change, rather than Douglas and Martin.

Deleted scene. This is an interesting one, because rather than being cut for reasons as time, as usual, I requested Producer David to cut it, because I felt it was a mistake on my part. Here it is:

CAROLYN                   Oh, not at all. I know what it’s like… well, you’ve met Ruth. She still makes me feel like a five year old.

ARTHUR                     I’m glad I don’t have an older brother. Although, also, now I think about it, an older brother would have been great.

MARTIN                       Mm. Although… actually, as it happens… Simon’s my younger brother.

DOUGLAS                  What?

CAROLYN                   He’s not, is he?

MARTIN                       Only by a year! And he’s always acted like he’s older! And he’s so much bigger than me! And he’s got that moustache!

So, that works perfectly well as a sitcommy joke; and its certainly true that there are siblings where the younger acts as if they were the older and/or vice-versa. But, ultimately, in this case, I didnt and dont think it was truthful. Simons behaviour - which, as Ive said before, I was keen to make irritating but not horrible - is so much influenced, in my mind, by the fact that hes an older brother who cant recognise that he and his siblings are all equal adults now; and so treats Martin as if he was still a kid, that to remove the root of that just for the sake of a capper at the end of the episode felt cheap. So, to be clear, the order of the Crieff siblings is: Simon, Martin, Caitlin. (Martin is such a middle child…)

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Fighter No 1 Hindi Dubeed Movie Download 2016

Fighter No 1 Hindi Dubeed Movie Download 2016

The movie story deals with a zamindar who insults Durga by try stealing her idol in the temple in a state of inebriation and gets killed by the enraged Durga who puts a curse on his heirs that she is going to take one family member each every 48 years on the day of Diwali and one male heir dies accidentally at the end of every 48 years.

Download Links

Fighter No. 1 Hindi Dubeed Movie Download 2016 Link 1
Fighter No. 1 Hindi Dubeed Movie Download 2016 Link 2
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Flashlight PRO v1 1 0

Flashlight PRO v1 1 0

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Fakes Are Never In Fashion

Fakes Are Never In Fashion

A great post by The Shoe Girl on her blog brought back to the forefront of my mind something weve talked about before — design piracy. Like Shoe Girl, I dont care if someone buys a $100 "inspired by so-and-so" pair of shoes. I myself have a few pairs by Nine West et al. of shoes that were clearly designed after a $1,000 counterpart. The difference is, theyre not out-and-out knock-offs, and Im not being tricked into thinking Im getting the real thing. Outright fakes — shoes (or handbags, for that matter) claiming to be, say, Louboutins or Fendis — are on the rise again, as are online stores purporting to be selling the "real deal" for a mere $100.

The sale and purchase of fakes have severe repercussions, not only on the designers and consumers, but on the whole industry. Furthermore,
evidence exists that illegal goods are tied to exploitation of workers as well as to human trafficking. Your best bet is to buy from reputable sources and to remember that if a deal sounds too good to be true, it is. Harpers Bazaar has set up a whole website for the subject at In addition to illuminating the issues tied to the sale and purchase of fakes, there is a link to where you can report a store (online or "real") you think is offering fake goods and they will be investigated.

I also recommend reading the NY Daily News article: "
Killer heels: Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo knock-offs rip off buyers, prey on child workers", and I bet nobody will consider buying an outright fake again.

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Fiber Factory of One

Fiber Factory of One

Its a good week when I look at current projects and theres been some progress on most of them.

The Tour de Fleece continues, and to my great surprise Ive managed so far to meet the challenge of doing something spinning-related every day. After the Corriedale was finished, I dove into the two almost-forgotten tubs of unspun fiber and came up with a bag of green-and-brown roving made from what must be superwash merino, because the little slip in the bag says "100% superwash merino." I have no idea who made it or where it came from. For all I know, it was already in the tub when I bought it.

The lucky thing for me is that the roving is already divided into three equal pieces–and my next challenge is to make my first three-ply. Ive been spinning long draw still–not because I think its necessarily the best way to spin this fiber, but because I am enjoying the sheer hell out of it.

There have been no pictures, because as any Tour de Fleece rider will tell you, pictures of gradually filling bobbins are of only moderate interest to the spinner and hold no thrills for the general public. However, I probably should show you the fiber, shouldnt it?

I just realized forgot to photograph it.

Damn. Next time.

The green merino (that sounds like a niche-market superhero, doesnt it?) is on hold anyhow, because after filling two bobbins I went in search of a third only to discover it was already full of something. I dont know what. Yet there it was, filled with worsted spun...something. Either I spun a bobbin and completely forgot about it or elves have been at work. And, with apologies to my Icelandic friends, I dont believe in elves.

I needed the bobbin, so I pressed pause on the green merino (a sheep who travels around the world preventing ecological disasters?) and decided to chain ply whatever it is just to get rid of it.


I am the first to confess that this is, to put it mildly, an indifferent job of chain plying. I tried and failed to welcome an unforeseen opportunity to brush up an old skill. I rushed, with half my attention on old episodes of Absolutely Fabulous, glancing back at the remainder on the lazy kate every few minutes and thinking, "Dang it, are you still here?"

Old boyfriends reading this will be reminded of the last two hours of any given date with me.

I Swatched a Yarn and I Liked It

Lornas Laces sent me a nice supply of one of their new yarns, Haymarket, and Im turning it into a baby sweater pattern/sample piece in aid of my Snip n Zip (Steeks and Zippers) class.


Cannot say enough things about this yarn. Its knitting up very much like Léttlopi (which I used in my Icelandic sweater), but its extremely soft and feels sweet as it runs through your fingers. The colors, as you would expect, are luscious. It doesnt seem to pill much–what you see above has been knit and raveled six times and carried around in a bag for months. It still looks new.

Ive finished the trickiest part–designing the yoke pattern–after only four tries. Put out the flags.

Crotch Shot

And the Victorian bathing drawers for the Nautical Knitting cruise proceed apace. These are gonna be the talk of Belize.


Preliminary fittings indicate that the proportions in the original pattern are spot-on. That being said, the fit is startlingly revealing. Thats in keeping with period images of this sort of swimwear, but it really hits home when Ive got them on. One false step and HELLO EVERYBODY!

The things I do for art.

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Farewell Bear Facts Limerick

Farewell Bear Facts Limerick

I think this one is my favourite of the three bottle episodes, partly because its the purest of them. We only hear the four main characterss voices - theres not even an ATC line;  it all takes place not just on the plane, but in the flightdeck; and its also, though people dont seem to notice this, all one long scene, taking place in real time. The idea was that this episode would be exactly what you would hear if you listened to twenty eight minutes of the flight deck voice recorder. Its also a rare episode where everybodys Want is the same - to stave off boredom - and so theres little or no conflict, bar some very mild teasing about Martins watch. Normally, Id say an episode cant work without conflict- both the other bottle episodes have plenty -  but I think here, partly because of the secret-telling and partly because there are so many games and other threads going on simultaneously, it somehow works. The effect of which is that this episode seems to me to be the heart of the show - theyre not battling a crazy passenger or other antagonist, or even each other; theyre just getting on with their job, somewhere over Russia, passing the time, teasing each other, playing games, telling secrets, and very very slowly heating up a pie.

Speaking of which, heres a deleted scene:

CAROLYN:     Admirals Pie.

ARTHUR:     Ok. Is that the same as the Fishermans Pie?

CAROLYN:     No, its not. The Admiral and the Fisherman favour entirely different pies.

ARTHUR:   Right. Theyve both got fish in though, right?


ARTHUR:   Thought so. Because I was thinking, its funny, when you think about it, that the Admirals pie has got fish in it. I can see why the Fishermans pie has. But youd think the Admiral would be sick of fish. I mean, he must have had to eat loads of fish when he was just a sailor. And now hes an Admiral he can have whatever he likes. Id have thought hed want something he couldnt have at sea. Like lamb pie. With turnip.

CAROLYN:   Arthur. Dear heart. Could we have a little less philosophising about the pie, and a little more cooking of the pie?

Also, of course, this episode has Arthur learning the phonetic alphabet, which might have been the single most fun thing for me as an actor in the whole show. Especially Boo! / Bye-bye! / Boncore!

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them full movie Download HD

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them full movie Download HD

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Fallout Shelter 1 1 APK

Fallout Shelter 1 1 APK

Fallout Shelter is a new simulation game that puts players in command of one of the series iconic Vaults, huge underground bunkers where survivors take refuge from the denizens that lurk on the surface. In the game, players will build the perfect vault, manage their resources, handle the odd crisis, and keep their residents healthy and happy. Its become one of the best mobile games today features the retro-futuristic 1950s cartoon aesthetic. As always, we provide you the APK file of the game so you can download Fallout Shelter APK here then install it manually on your Android device.

Fallout Shelter APK

Here are some of the gameplay highlights:
•  BUILD THE PERFECT VAULT - Create a brighter future…underground! Select from a variety of modern-day rooms to turn an excavation beneath 2,000 feet of bedrock into the very picture of Vault Life.

• OVERSEE A THRIVING COMMUNITY - Get to know your Dwellers and lead them to happiness. Find their ideal jobs and watch them flourish. Provide them with outfits, weapons, and training to improve their abilities.

• PROSPER - A well-run Vault requires a variety of Dwellers with a mix of skills. Build a Radio Room to attract new Dwellers. Or, take an active role in their personal lives; play matchmaker and watch the sparks fly!

• PROTECT YOUR VAULT - From time to time, idyllic Vault life may be disrupted by the dangers of post-nuclear life. Prepare your Dwellers to protect against threats from the outside…and within.

• EXPLORE THE WASTELAND - Send Dwellers above ground to explore the blasted surface left behind and seek adventure, handy survival loot, or unspeakable death. Find new armor and weapons, gain experience, and earn Caps. But don’t let them die!

Fallout Shelter is available as a free download in Google Play Store, with some additional content available through in-app purchases. The game is compatible with phones and tablets running Android 4.1 or later. You can download Fallout Shelter APK latest version 1.1 from the source link below.

Fallout Shelter 1.1 APK

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Fifa 15 Ultimate Team Hack Cheat Tool

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