Thursday, February 9, 2017

Field Trip Chaperones Decision Tomorrow!

Field Trip Chaperones Decision Tomorrow!

All the forms for interested parents wanting to help chaperone our field trip at the end of the month were due today!  All I can say is "Wow!".  Thank you so much for the support as there are 12 parents who would like to help out that day!  Super!

Sadly, we can only take 4 of you (possibly 5).  So to keep it fair, I will be putting all names of parents interested in going in a hat tomorrow and drawing the lucky 4-5.  That seems to be the best way to approach making the decision.  We have had to do this in the past.  I wish I could take everyone along but that just wont be allowed!

Thanks to all who volunteered!  Information will be sent home tomorrow on the names that were drawn to go along.

Available link for download